Welcome to my gallery! Here you’ll find an extensive collection of live videos including my new drum cam series aptly named Jon’s Drum Cam, #ourstagefortonight where you get to see what I see every night, a home video series born out of pandemic boredom called Jon’s Jrum Jams, and more. Looking through all of these, you may notice a common theme. I’m in all of it! Now if you’re confused by this, maybe it’s because you came across the wrong McCracken. Maybe you were looking for Chet, or Craig. This isn’t the McCracken you’re looking for…
Regardless, enjoy this collection of photos and videos I’ve put together over the span my career (so far…).
Live shows, music videos, a reel, and more. That’s what you’ll find in this playlist of what the kids call “movin’ pictures.”
Here is my critically-acclaimed drum video reel I made that one year we won’t speak of. A compilation of clips from just a few of my live shows and video shoots.
Yes, that is Christone “Kingfish” Ingram in that first clip!
I got the absolute pleasure of playing drums for the amazing blues prodigy Christone Ingram, aka Kingfish in a video for Fender. Here we’re playing the “I Put a Spell on You” by the great Screamin’ Jay Hawkins.
Jumping Jack Flash – THE tribute to the Rolling Stones performing “Honky Tonk Woman” at the OC Fair in Costa Mesa, CA during our sold-out Beatles vs. Stones show!
Ringo is without a doubt my favorite drummer. So I had an awesome “holy shit” moment when I first got to play with the ultimate Beatles tribute act, THE FAB FOUR!! This is from the first show I did with them at the Starlight Bowl in Burbank, CA in Sept. 2021.
In front of 4000+ people, I got to play some of my favorite Beatles songs with the pros. AND when it came time for me to sing “Act Naturally” to said 4000+ people, I forgot to turn the godamn mic on…
My first clip of yet ANOTHER band. Except it is a pretty cool one. It’s the incomparable tribute to The Doors, WILD CHILD featuring Dave Brock!
This is “Peace Frog” from my debut show as Wild Child’s sub-drummer at Campus Jax on March 9, 2024.
Here’s the official 2024 promotional video for The Police Academy: America’s Greatest tribute to The Police! Made by yours truly.
The Police Academy, a tribute to The Police featuring Joshua Jones, Christian Hernandez, and myself, had our debut show on 8/6/2023 at Campus Jax in Newport Beach, CA!
Here’s the first highlight reel from that show! SEE MORE CLIPS HERE!
For those nay-sayers who claim I don’t play for the Chambers Brothers, HA! Proof!! You know who you are. Okay, there’s no one claiming that. I guess it’s more proof to myself that yes, I get to play with The Chambers Brothers.
More Fab Four! This is another clip from my first show with them in Sept. 2021; performing songs from the Sgt. Pepper album.
Bobby Brown, Louis Metoyer, Wayne Livingston, Coo Moe Jhee, and myself playing “Superstition” at Cadillac Zack’s blues jam at the Maui Sugar Mill Saloon in Tarzana, CA.
This is Jumping Jack Flash, THE tribute to the Rolling Stones, performing at the Mission of San Juan Capistrano! Joining us was Martin Andrew as Rod Stewart who we feature in out Stones & Stewart show.
Besides Ringo, another drummer who influenced my instrument choice and I who get to portray is Keith Moon.
I bought a Zoom Q2n 4K for a drum cam, and damn it I’m gonna use it! Sometimes a compilation, sometimes a full song. Either way, if you wanted to see what it would be like watching one of my shows from the drum riser with your vision in a fixed position so you can only look at me and my drum kit, here’s where you can fulfill your life’s dream! You’re welcome.
Oh and be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel, and turn on notifications, for future drum cam videos!
Not only is this one of my favorite Beatle songs, but it’s also on my favorite album in recorded history AND it’s one of my favorite drum recordings. The tone of the drums, the tom melody Ringo plays during the main riff, this drum track is what I would refer to as audio porn. Of course, it’s also my favorite Beatle song to play.
Now, before you start to comment “yOUr PlaYINg iT wrOnG!!” I am fully aware this is not how Ringo played his part on the album. I’m also aware he had two rack toms on his kit during the Abbey Road sessions. I’m also also fully aware this is the internet which is a steaming cesspool of judgemental out-of-work musicians. However, because of this clip: https://youtu.be/vl9188EPdLI?si=p_pVsxS2e3pUMc-h, which shows Ringo playing the part how I do in this video, I would say this version is allowed and cannon. And let’s face it, Ringo is correct even when he’s not. So I’m putting the warning out there, if you still comment that I’m playing the part wrong, you will be made fun of for your lack of reading abilities. But I digress…
This live version of “Come Together” was recorded on 10/31/2023 with the Beatles tribute act Isle of Lucy at the Marine Room in Laguna Beach, CA!
It’s been a little while since I last posted. Oops! To make up for the lack of videos, I’m releasing a good’n.
In the past year, Joshua Jones (The Fab Four), Christian Hernandez (Wild Child), and I have been working on a new project that, quite honestly, started as a joke. Now we present The Police Academy! No, not the movie, but America’s greatest tribute to THE POLICE!
Stewart Copeland is easily in my top 3 favorite drummers. He’s even one of the reasons I learned traditional grip. So I’m thrilled that this band formed and that we get to perform these great songs. It took some getting used to playing in golf gloves, but it is so much fun playing nothing but Police songs. So I’ll get over it. Not to mention the wardrobe of a t-shirt and jeans is pretty easy to play in. Short shorts may or may not be coming soon…
This clip is from our 2nd ever show, filmed live at Campus Jax in Newport, CA. The whole show was a blast, and we SOLD OUT!!! What made the show even more special was our special guest. The incredible Gwen Stefani tribute artist from the No Doubt tribute act, No Duh, Andrea Martinez!
I set up the drum cam for another Jumping Jack Flash performance. This time from the incredible Star of the Desert Arena at Buffalo Bills in Primm, NV! It was pretty crazy getting to perform at this massive 6500-seat arena. There was more stage than we knew what to do with. But the show went amazingly well, and I got a TON of great footage out of it!
Honky Tonk Woman has to be one of my favorite Rolling Stones songs. Not just to play, but in general. It’s short, sweet, and to the point. It’s fun to play because I get to just sit and groove with the bass (even though there is no bass in the verses…). Anyway, this performance was also great because we had the full band with us. Seen in the background are Zoe Infante on background vocals, and Matt Kalin on Sax!
It’s time for a special edition of Jon’s Drum Cam, featuring The Who Experience at Farnsworth Park Amphitheater in Altadena, CA! It’s special because it’s a DUAL cam this time! Not only do I have my Zoom Q2n on the right side, but I also have the “B Cam” on the left. Not “B” as in second, but “B” as in Brianne who also happens to be the greatest person ever and the love of my life.
This one is also special because it’s a part of my last performance with The Who Experience. Well, not “last” last, but it’ll be a little while I’m guessing. I absolutely LOVE performing as Keith Moon, and I’m so glad I was able to. Before joining the band in 2018, I always thought about how much fun it would be to be in a Who band. So when the opportunity did come up, I immediately said yes!
Keith Moon is, and always will be in my list of top three favorite drummers, and this song is easily one of my favorite Who songs to play. It’s the perfect mix of fun groove and Keith’s “controlled chaos.” It is a fact that while Ringo Starr was why I chose to play the drums, Moon is why I stuck to it. While I never wanted to follow in his personal life footsteps, his playing was a major inspiration in my early playing. In sessions I did early in my career, my playing was a mix of Keith Moon, Stewart Copeland from The Police, and Roger Taylor from Queen. By that I mean I stole a lot of their drum fills.
I’ve got another full song for you all on this edition of Jon’s Drum Cam. This is once again with my Rolling Stones tribute band, Jumping Jack Flash, but this time it’s one of my favorite Stones songs to play, “Miss You” off of Some Girls! Performed live on May 19, 2023, at the Old Town Temecula Theater in Temecula, CA.
One of my favorite things to do on drums is lay a great groove with a great band. This song allows me to do just that. Especially when the band has one of two of my favorite bass players to play with, Mr. Matt Quilter. I think this song and “Honky Tonk Woman” are my two favorite Stones songs to play. They both let me do what I enjoy doing the most, grooving!
If you’re wondering why this version of “Miss You” is so long, our singer likes to go through and dance with the audience during the solo section. Sometimes he’s back in 30 seconds, sometimes he’s back in 6 minutes. It just depends on the size of the venue. So as you can see by how long this version is, this was a nice-sized venue! Enjoy!
For this edition of Jon’s Drum Cam, we’re going to the Warner Grand Theatre in San Pedro, CA. An amazing theater where I’ve seen many shows, including a few featuring my little sister! That’s because I spent half of my childhood and teens in San Pedro. So when Jumping Jack Flash got hired to perform the closing night of the theater before renovations, it allowed me to cross the Warner Grand off my venue bucket list.
Because it was such a special night, Jumping Jack Flash brought our full show. And when we do, we get to do incredible Stones songs like this one. “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking” on Sticky Fingers by the Rolling Stones was a song I LOVED before I even joined JJF. So getting to play it in the greatest Rolling Stones tribute band in a venue I grew up near was a dream come true. AND I remembered to film it!
Here’s Jumping Jack Flash’s full performance of “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking” from the Warner Grand Theatre in San Pedro, CA. Filmed live on 6/10/2023.
I brought the Zoom Q2n 4K with me to a couple recording sessions I had at Ardent Audio Productions in Torrance, CA. I was there over the course of a few sessions to lay the drums down for the second gospel album by my good friend Jerry Warner.
Jerry is the nephew of the Chambers Brothers and took over on bass and vocals in 1980 when George “Pops” Chambers retired. So needless to say, I met Jerry when I joined the Chambers Brothers. He is, without a doubt, my favorite bassist to play with. One of two. So when he asked me to play drums on his first album in July of 2022, I didn’t hesitate and joined the project. Which was also the case for the second album.
The first album, God Bless America, sounds AMAZING and was recorded in the same studio with the same band. Unfortunately, I didn’t own the Zoom yet. But you can hear that album here: https://music.apple.com/us/album/god-bless-america/1663370366
This next album is going to be just as good, and I can’t wait to hear the end result! Until then, these are a few clips from the sessions that took place on 7/7/2023 and 7/12/2023.
Here are clips of me as Charlie Watts in the national touring Rolling Stones tribute band, Jumping Jack Flash! Filmed live at the Old Town Temecula Theater in Temecula, CA on 5/19/2023.
For this edition of Jon’s Drum Cam, check out this behind-the-kit shot of me performing “Forever Young” in the Stones & Stewart show, presented by Jumping Jack Flash and featuring Martin Andrew as Rod Stewart! This took place at the Gaslamp Music + Bar + Kitchen in Long Beach, CA on July 8, 2023.
I had the honor of channeling the legendary Ringo Starr with the SoCal Beatles tribute band, Ticket to Ride! Filmed at the Canyon Club in Agoura Hills, CA on 5/14/2023.
It’s time for another edition of Jon’s Drum Cam! This time I’m at the Marine Room in Laguna Beach, CA with the Beatles tribute band, Isle of Lucy! The band features premier players from Beatlemania, Rain, and The Fab Four.
Like so many others, I got bored during the pandemic. You know, that pandemic. It was great being a drummer living in an apartment. That was sarcasm, in case that wasn’t apparent in this particular font. So I decided to buy an electric kit and jam out to some songs I really enjoy playing. And I called this series… Jon’s Jrum Jams! Behold, my brief stint as what people seem to be calling a YouTube drummer.
With special guests Steve Zukowsky on guitar, Fred Stepanian on bass, and Adam Shapiro on keyz!
What happens when you pause a moving picture? You get a regular picture! And I’ve got plenty on here. I’ve even put them into categories for you! There are pics of me, and pics of me with friends. A series of photos taken from behind my kit on previous stages over the years. It’s even got it’s own hashtag, #ourstagefortonight! Last but not least, pics of my drums!
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Kind of self-explanatory, here’s just a taste of my Instagram! If you’d like to see more, you can follow me HERE.